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You may be in for a bit of a shock!

New shockwave therapy said to help men suffering from ED

For most men, suffering from mild ED (erectile dysfunction) can be put down to a number of things including stress at work or in the home, but often can be helped by doing a little exercise and changing bad diet habits. Many men however will try to treat the problem by using one of the three main Ed drugs available today.

For those of you who have been living in a bunker for the last 15 years, drugs like Viagra, Cialis and levitra have totally rejuvenated the lives of men suffering some degree of impotence.

These treatments, while effective in 80% of cases,  do not come without a cost, both in monetary terms and in health terms. All of the drugs have some form of side effects, be it facial flushing, dyspepsia or thumping headaches.

Estimates suggest that 40% of men over 40 suffer some form of erectile dysfunction.

 So what are the alternatives for those men who want the best of both worlds...a drug free regime with none of the unpleasant side effects!

 Electric Shock Treatment

This sounds a little extreme to us, but apparently scientists in Israel have pioneered a new technique using low frequency electric shockwaves, similar to ultrasound that aims to alter the interior tissues of the penis, thus allowing the blood to flow more easily.

Urologist Professor Yoram Vardi says the treatment is painless and offers a credible alternative to drug treatments. The main benefit appears to be that this treatment actually has a chance of curing the problem rather than just treating the symptoms.

A study published in 2010 in the European Journal of Urology found that of the 20 middle aged men treated, 18 of them had risks factors associated with heart disease. Six months later, 50% of this test group no longer needed Viagra to obtain an erection.

Uk-Med can provide a free online consultation for Erectile Dysfunction treatment


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