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Sound-Wave Treatment For Erectile Dysfunction
Looking very much like a de-humidifier with a maraca attached to it, the ED1000 is a new machine that could do away with Viagra.

The sound-wave emitting gadget is claiming that it can permanently cure erectile dysfunction.

Trials over the last two years are reporting lasting effects post treatment from the ED1000 machine. Low-intensity shock waves are shot into the penis at a rate of 100 blasts per minute. This technique is to encourage miniscule new blood vessels to grow within the flesh tissues of the penis. It also, via the sonic waves, breaks up plaque that is causing a hardening of the existing arteries, therefore opening up the narrowed vessels to enable a good blood flow.

This is the major problem reported by 25% of ED sufferers over the age of 40.

A medically related use for the sonic-wave has been used for many years in the treatment of breaking up kidney stones, coronary blood vessels and arthritic joints to ease inflammation. Israeli Doctors have been using the process, but with a lower-power wave. Their trails with 20 volunteers found that after seven weeks treatments there was a marked improvement of their ED. To achieve the desired result, a nine week course of 12 fifteen minute sessions is required. Even though the procedure appears to be uncomfortable, the patients only seem to be conscious of a tingling feeling immediately after the treatment.

Dr Roland Donat is the consultant urological surgeon whom has been administering the treatment and refers to it as revolutionary for those with erectile dysfunction. Spire Hospital in Murrayfield, Edinburgh is the only place in the UK at present that is offering the procedure. As it is a private treatment so far is costs £1,500 + consultation for the sessions.

 Dr Donat said, ‘I read the pilot study and thought, if this works I really want it for my patients. The ideal candidates are those who have a physical explanation for their impotence, such as hardened arteries or diabetes. It will not work if the problem is psychological or stress-related. But the results so far are really very encouraging.’ The sonic-wave procedure is hoped to be available soon at clinics in Harley Street, London and Leeds. It really will be a breakthrough for so many sufferers of ED, especially those with diabetes, heart disease and prostate problems, who cannot take Viagra or Cialis medications safely.    


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