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Male Miracle In A Hypodermic
Mid-life crisis mode could disappear into oblivion with the help of an injection; it is being hailed as the women’s equivalent of HRT. This could be a breakthrough cure for all those naturally ageing problems for men.

An increasing amount of men that are not prepared to let the inevitable happen in regard to ageing, they are looking for that ‘big’ something that will restore youthfulness, or halt the process altogether. Not to be out done by women, the ‘Male’ menopause as many are now referring to it as, has symptoms such as tiredness and erectile dysfunction. It is also seeing many men over the age of forty increasingly buying ED medication like Viagra and the increasingly popular Cialis

In May this year at the European Congress on Obesity, the results of research into testosterone treatment carried out by Bayer in Germany were revealed. Over five years, 115 male patients presenting with low testosterone levels were administered a course of injections.

The outcome was that the recipients of the medication saw their body weight drop by 2.5 stone on average, professing that the raised testosterone increases muscle tone. This was probably caused by a higher metabolic rate burning more of the energy in their body. Dr Farid Saad working for Bayer Pharma at their Berlin based laboratories, as their head researcher included other attributes to taking the testosterone supplement, lowering of glucose scales, BMI and cholesterol. He attributed this to, ‘Increased testosterone levels improve energy and motivation to do physical exercise.’

It has been a couple of decades now that exponents of this therapy, including the pharmaceutical companies would like to see it prescribed on a much wider scale. Endorsed with the advertising claims of slimline midriff and what every man of a certain age would welcome an increase in libido.

Taking inspiration from a pioneering treatment initiated by Danish research scientist, Dr Jen Moller. Dr Malcolm Carruthers the present medical director of the Centre for Men’s Health in London, aimed his comments in the direction of the over fifties. That as many as 20% of the UK’s male population should be receiving testosterone therapy. They fall into a syndrome that even if they present with a normal natural hormone level, it is not enough to sustain their health.

A University of Sheffield endocrinologist, Dr Hugh Jones found through investigations with diabetes patients, that they too have low levels of testosterone. They are still unsure of a common link, but there is a 20% risk of death when having both ailments. When these volunteers received the supplement via a hormone patch, it saw a 9% drop in the fatally risk.

Generally the medical profession are sceptical about research that is carried out for pharmaceutical companies, as it is a sure way to promote a drug and greatly increase their income.

 Testosterone supplements do have notoriety amongst bodybuilders and the effects on muscle-building. But there are other downsides to taking the hormone, temperament can be affected, strokes, increased red blood count and prostate cancer acceleration.

So before embarking on what could be several years of; patches, injections or pellet implants. Do you really want the possible associated serious medical problems? Also a couple of consequences that could affect relationships, male patterned baldness and the washboard stomach topped with ‘man boobs’. There still is a question mark over the so called ‘male menopause’ which could be cured with a few less pints and fry-ups for the salad option. can prescibe treatments for ED. Click here for a free consultation

Written by Frances Cerulean


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