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Generic Viagra Good or Bad?
The patent for Viagra in the UK expires in June 2013. Many say this is a good thing leading to more competition and lower prices, but are there other, more serious issues?

At first glance it would appear that the Viagra patent expiry is a good thing, that will lead to more competition, as generic drug manufacturers will now be able to manufacture and sell the drug as Sildenafil Citrate in the United Kingdom.

With more competition come lower prices, as Pfizer, who own the Viagra patent will be unlikely to command the same premium price for Viagra.

While the generic drugs manufactures will be unable to market the drug under the Viagra brand-name, they will be able to sell Sildenafil Citrate (the main active ingredient in Viagra) at a much lower cost.
In addition Lilly, who market Cialis, and Bayer the manufacturer of Levitra, will also come under increasing price pressure from lower Viagra prices, leading to lower prices for Cialis and Levitra.

So far, so good it seems.

But is there a bigger problem looming?

At the moment generic versions of Viagra are not licensed in the Uk. This means that all these dodgy websites selling Viagra for 50 pence a tablet are acting illegally.

Ok, you might say, who really cares if the big drug companies are losing some of their billion pounds a year profits. We are getting the drug at a much more affordable price.Well that may be true if you were actually getting the drug.
But just how illegal are these companies if they are prepared to break the law by selling an unlicensed and illegal drug in the first place?

Would it just stop there?

Or could they also be selling a drug that is produced in a third world country for pennies a tablet with little or no quality control or hygiene.

That sounds bad enough, but what if those same tablets contained other more harmful ingredients?

Rat poison, road paint and other more toxic ingredients have been found in illegally sold drugs originating from India,Mexico and the Far East. Add this to the fact that there is likely to be no medical check on the person buying the drug (doctors cost money) and all of a sudden that 50p a tablet seems not to look like such a good deal.

Come June 2013 Viagra in its generic form Sildenafil Citrate, will be legally available in the Uk. But any generic drug maker will still have to pass stringent manufacturing processes. But how will the average consumer be able to tell which is a legitimate drug, from a potentially dangerous fake?

Spotting the rogues will suddenly become a lot more difficult and dangerous.

However as our regular customers know, using to buy Viagra or its soon to come generic equivalent is the safest way to receive genuine treatments.

Written by Graham hall


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