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Can I Take My Viagra On Holiday?
When planning a trip abroad not necessarily for a vacation but business trips too, there is the question as you enter the security check in at the airport or a port; `Are my Viagra tablets going to be seized?’

If you are planning to take them with you, it might be advisable to check in advance, as being stopped at check in or customs the other end, can be embarrassing and do you really want to discuss this type of medication in a very public area.

With near on 200 countries in the world with varying regulations as to what can be taken into their country, it is advisable to check with their Embassy or High Commission. Our own Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) will also give up to date advice on travel, along with travelling with medication.

The advice from Directgov says to make sure it is in its original packaging, with the pharmacy label. This will show that it is a genuine medication and will have the real name of the tablets, not just Viagra or other ED medications such as Cialis; also it has a list of the ingredients contained in the drug. Added to this the medicine will have batch numbers that are traceable from the dispensing pharmacy back to the manufacturer.

The authorities in certain countries do check this and it will delay you leaving the security area. It will look suspicious if you have more medication that you need for the duration of your trip, so it doesn’t pay to over compensate. Make sure that you have evidence of your prescription or ask for a written statement from your Doctor, but that might incur a charge.

Generally it is suggested that you carry all of your medication in your hand luggage, some do put it in hold baggage, but there is the possibility that it could go missing in transit. Luggage is check in a variety of ways on its travels without you, from x-rays to actual opening to check contents and don’t forget those cute looking sniffer dogs.

As America is a common travel destination, they have very strict rules that they implement to do with medication entering the US. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible for all the drugs approved in the United States and they also enforce any penalties that occur when unapproved medication enters the country. They are safe guarding their own pharmaceutical companies and the wellbeing of their population. Also there are millions of dollars in revenue that is lost via undisclosed importing of drugs.

Trying to get compensation if your ED medication is stolen could be difficult. Generally it is only drugs that sustain life that would be covered to be dispensed whilst still abroad. You would also have to declare ED as an existing medical complaint when applying for holiday insurance, so it would be listed on your policy in order for you to claim compensation if it was lost.

Just remember that when returning from your trip, you can still be stopped and your luggage examined. Especially if you have obtained any legal medication abroad, keep the paperwork and packaging.

Buy Viagra Online From Uk-Med.  

Written by Debra Evans


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