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Birmingham Doctors Advice Sought To Avert Chinese HIV Pandemic
Heartlands Hospital in Bordesley Green East, Birmingham, is offering their expertise to help stem an HIV epidemic in China.

Doctors from Zhengzhou, capital of Henan province in north-central China visited the Midlands Hospital and also gained information via teleconferencing with the UK consultants. Their recent survey found that HIV deaths had declined in China as a whole, but this poses the question of how many are undiagnosed, thus giving a false prognosis for the decrease in HIV.

The consultants from the 6th Peoples Hospital in Henan province said that they were given "constructive advice", from Heartlands experts. The head consultant for Heartlands HIV Service, Dr Stephen Taylor says that the UK has made significant advancements by controlling the HIV virus.

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Dr Taylor has not only treated patients for many years, but has vocally campaigned during this time for awareness of this disease. The 80’s saw the western world in panic over a significant outbreak of Aids, which publicised the need to be careful with sexual partners. Even in the UK where if it is caught early, it can be successfully managed so the sufferer can lead a long and normal life, we are still getting numerous cases of newly diagnosed people. This also doesn’t account for those that are symptomless or do not seek the appropriate help. Talking about the progressive problem in China, he said "I think the epidemic in Henan province started in 1995. In the UK it started in the early 80s. “Some of the medication they currently have is what we had a short while ago. We've got a lot of experience in dealing with HIV drug resistance and dealing with issues such as that.”

If it is known that a ratio of one in four people has HIV in the West Midlands, but don’t know it, when there is life saving medication available to them, this can only mean that Henan has a way higher rate of victims. As a prefecture-level city, Zhengzhou serves an important role in trade movement throughout China. With it being the second largest city in central China it also has one of the major Chinese airports in the country, enabling global access to and from the province and country wide. With a growing population of over eight million you can see why they are eager to source overseas help for a potentially cultural and trade damaging outbreak of HIV.

A well-structured health campaign to make the population aware and most of all try to diminish the stigma associated with HIV, which as we have found in the UK and USA is not an easy venture. Unfortunately because it generally comes under a ‘banner’ of sexual health, it is still in some cultures a taboo subject, as we have seen on the African continent, where it is very hard to persuade people to follow an easily preventable regime. 

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Written by Graham hall


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