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Are We Really Sure That All Meds Do What They Say They Will
In this day and age, with the worldwide web to consult at the press of a few keys, do we really know or trust the information and performance of medications?

it is the tablets we take to cure a disease, keep a problem at bay or as a preventative, we are all taking more manufactured medications and supplements.

The NHS alone spent almost 12 billion pounds on drugs in the last year and this is on the increase. If we are supposed to be able to prevent illnesses or treat and cure more ailments, not to mention eradicate once long term or fatal complaints, then why are we spending so much on medications which should not be needed.

With the increase of available knowledge that we can all easily acquire, do we believe what we are being told about the cure all effects and safety of the drug treatments that we administer to ourselves on a regular basis. Is it a possible delusion as to the real results of research into medications? Is the false information at times a huge waste of money and even more worryingly the possible cause of more damaging complaints in the future?

Pharmaceutical companies put a lot of money into research and obviously want doctors to prescribe their medications. So sometimes are the declarations made by them cleverly worded as to make them appear better and to draw attention away from potential side-effects. Having to pay billions in compensation for the crippling and sometimes tragic consequences causes by these drugs, must surely reflect in raising the cost of other successfully used medications.

Over half a century ago Thalidomide had devastating effects on babies, whom are now middle aged adults and the legal proceedings are still on going, so nowadays this should not be happening. Cases recently involved Vioxx a NSAID and Avandia a diabetes medication, along with several anti-depressants.

Finding out if the medication works and is safe should be the sole reason for true testing of the treatments, making those that produce detrimental results unavailable for use. As people are all different they are affected in many differing ways by all sorts of everyday things not just medicines, it can be difficult to define if the research is down to the drugs or the reaction from that particular patient.

Treatment required for erectile dysfunction maybe for a multitude of reasons and medical therapies can be combined with known ED remedies such as Viagra and Cialis. These have been well researched over many years and continue to be reviewed; they are also used for the treatment of other ailments other than ED.

Even with various independent medical governing bodies, medicines are still not revealing their true results. Unfortunately there is a lot of money to be made in an ever growing industry, but lives are being lost and others surviving with a poorer quality of life. We can only hope that in the future that all research data will not come with a sugar coating, shrouding the real results.

Genuine Pfizer Viagra is available on prescription from as is Cialis


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