We have provided this section to answer some of the most common questions that we are asked.This list is however not exhaustive, and if your particular question is not answered, then please feel to contact us further, or use the "Live Help" Function at the top of this page.
Q. Why do you not publish prices for medications on your site.What have you got to hide? A. United Kingdom Law does not allow for the publication of Prescription Medication prices, until after a consultation with a qualified Doctor has taken place. We can however provide this information if an individual request is made for it. Request Prices
Q. Are credit card transactions over the Internet safe? A. The credit card area on our site is secure. Uk-Med utilise industry standard Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology to allow the encrytion of all credit card information. This means information passed between your computer and our web site cannot be read by any third party.SSL encrytion technology, used by many Internet stores similar to ourselves, virtually eliminates credit card fraud on the Internet. Q. How is my medication sent..and is it discreetly packaged? A.All medication are sent by Royal mail special delivery to arrive by 1PM ( provided you order before 3PM Monday-Friday ) whick is a signed for service. Your medication will be plainly packaged with no indication of its contents. Q. Are my medical and personal details confidential? A. We are registered with the Data protection Act. We do not share your details ( including e-mail address's ) with anyone apart from our doctors and dispensisng pharmacy. Q.What is your subscription service? A.By subscribing to our service, you can receive substantially lower prices on your medication for the peroid of your subscription.These prices are incredibly low. For the latest information on prices, please visit our PRICES PAGE Q.How long does delivery take? A.For customers from the UK, your order will be sent for next day delivery before 1pm providing you order before 3pm Monday to Frday. |